Nova Scotia is one of the maritime provinces of Canada. Nova Scotia’s friendly inhabitants and the scenic contrast of rolling green fields and high sea cliffs make it a popular destination for both non-hunting and hunting tourists.
There are a lot of hunting opportunities in Nova Scotia, but big game hunting, like deer and bears, is what draws non-resident hunters to Nova Scotia.
White-tailed deer hunting is one of the most popular games. Besides being an excellent sport, the deer antlers are prized trophies for hunters.
If you want to know about Deer Hunting Season Nova Scotia, then this article is for you. Also, we will mention 6 deer hunting mistakes to avoid in order to maximize your deer hunting success.
Deer Hunting Season Nova Scotia
When being in the woods, safety is the number one concern. DNR regulations require that all hunters wear hunter orange while in the woods. You should make sure to wear at least 50% of hunter orange, specifically outer clothing above the waist and your cap.
If you’re bringing your hunting dog on the trip, make sure your pet wears an orange vest, so other hunters don’t mistake it for a wild animal.
The same thing also goes for a non-hunter walking through the woods. No one wants to be mistaken for an animal in the woods by another hunter.
You must ensure that you follow the safety precautions when you use tree stands or any other hunting equipment. Also, make sure the equipment you will use is in good working order.
Some Basics
You can get your hunting licence at the N.S. Department of Natural Resources or any approved vendor. Your hunting licence needs to be renewed each year. Unless there is an adult with you, your age must be 18 years and older. At any time during the open season, you shall not have a loaded gun in your motorized vehicle. Otherwise, both the firearms and vehicle may be ceased.
What Animals Can You Hunt in Nova Scotia?
Deer and bear hunting is the big game that draws non-resident hunters in Nova Scotia.
However, there are other hunting opportunities, such as upland games and waterfowl hunting. On Cape Breton Island, there is a moose season that only opens for Nova Scotia residents.
Can You Hunt a Doe in Nova Scotia?
The licences to hunt an antlerless deer in Nova Scotia are awarded by a limited draw, and only a Nova Scotia resident can apply. Those who win the draw will get Antlerless Deer Stamp to attach to the N.S. Base Licence for Hunting & Furharvesting.
How Many Deer Tags Can You Get in Nova Scotia?
When you get your deer hunting licence, you also get only a single tag. Once this tag has been used, the licence becomes invalid.
Do You Need a PAL to Hunt in Canada?
You can hunt with a firearm without having a PAL, but you must be under the immediate and direct supervision of someone who has a valid PAL. This person is lawfully allowed to possess that firearm.
Can You Hunt on Sunday in Nova Scotia?
The Department of Natural Resources and Renewables has decided to lift the ban on Sunday hunting for the first 2 Sundays of general deer season. This will apply to any wildlife in season on these dates, with the exception of moose.
Do You Need a Licence to Hunt Rabbits in Nova Scotia?
Only non-residents are required to have a Small Game Licence. But a Wildlife Habitat Stamp is required by anyone who hunts and/or snares rabbits.
Do You Need a Licence for a Crossbow in Nova Scotia?
Successfully completing the mandatory online crossbow education course is a must if you want to hunt with a crossbow in Nova Scotia. in order to be considered eligible for this course, you must carry a valid Wildlife Resources Card (WRC) with either Bow Certification (B) or a Hunter Certification (HQ or HT)
6 Deer Hunting Mistakes to Avoid
1. Not Practicing Enough
Practice makes perfect. If there is only one deer hunting tip, it will be this one. Whether bow hunting or hunting with a rifle, it is important to practice with your hunting weapon often. This will build your shooting confidence and engrain some muscle memory as well.
2. Forgetting Equipment
If you have hunted long enough, you have probably arrived at the tree stand, only to realize you forgot the release, deer call, your magazine, or the pull-up rope at your truck. forgetting hunting gear is something that happens to anyone at some point. If you are prone to forgetfulness, try to make a list and check it every morning.
Also, use one backpack to keep all your necessary hunting gear and always leave it in your vehicle. In this way, you just need to grab your backpack before you head to the woods.
3. Planning Access Routes
This is one of the deer hunting mistakes that many hunters do not think enough about. Before settling on a spot to put up a blind or hang a stand, it is important to know if you can access it without alerting deer.
You may find a place that looks great for your tree stand, but it does not pan out. Well, the reason might be that you walk right next to the main bedding area on your way in and out. As a result, you have already pushed any deer out of the area.
If you can steer clear of bedding areas and food sources and reach your tree stand stealthily, then there is a much better chance to ambush a mature buck.
4. Checking Trail Cameras Too Often
Trail cameras can be great tools for hunting success. But checking them all the time is very tempting. If you check them too much, this will cause you to spread a lot of scents which potentially spooks a lot of deer.
It may be better not to use trail cams if you can not control the urge to check them each week. Also, using a cellular trail camera can be a better solution. It will transmit images directly to your phone, so you do not need to go to the area regularly.
5. Scent Control and Wind Direction
When most hunters start the hunting season, they take scent control practices seriously. To avoid being detected by the animal, they may wash their clothes in scent-elimination products, shower in scent-eliminating soap, and pay close attention to the wind direction.
But their diligence begins to fade after a week or so. Pretty soon, they are stopping by the gas station in their hunting clothes, and the deer camp hygiene begins to take over. then the woods seem to have anything except deer. They all magically disappear.
It is important to be very diligent about your scent control practices throughout the season in order to maximize your hunting success.
6. Clothing Choice
A lot of deer hunters make this mistake in both hot and cold weather. Choosing the right hunting clothing depends on the conditions the hunter plans to hunt in.
For hunting in cold conditions, choose multiple layers constructed of synthetic materials or wool instead of just wearing one ultra-insulating layer.
You can slip extra dry layers on as your body cools down again, and you avoid sweating and overheating as you walk into your tree stand.
For hunting in hot weather, wearing multiple light layers will be perfect. You can wear them for cool mornings. And as the heat of the day comes back, you can sneakily slip layers off.